Custom Email Content

Vcheck Support > Optional Features > Custom Email Content

Custom Email Contents

This page covers the Merchant - Edit E-mail Contents functions.

This feature is included in the Professional level accounts and available as an optional upgrade for all accounts. It allows you to customize the subject line and body content of both the new check notification messages and the customer receipt messages. Almost any field of data from the check may be inserted into the subject line or body.

There are basically two messages sent out by the system. A payment receipt message to the check submitter and a new check notification message to you when new checks are created. You can set the From and To addresses for such messages on the Merchant - Edit Contact Information page.

For basic level accounts without this optional upgrade, a standard pre-set message is used for the above. For Pro level or upgraded accounts, you have the option of using custom subject lines and body content for the two messages. Along with your custom text, you can use specific "tokens" or data placeholders where data about the transaction will be inserted in place of the token.

For instance, the default subject and body content for the receipt message to a check submitter is:

Subject: Receipt for Your Vcheck Payment

This message is to confirm that on [Date], a check in the amount of $[Amount], made payable to [Payee] was submitted using your email address as the point of contact. The confirmation number for this transaction is [ConfirmationNumber].

If you feel there was any type of error with your payment, please reply to this message (be sure to include this original text) with your corrections or contact us via phone at [MerchantPhone].

In the above, you will see the tokens within the brackets [ ]. When the outgoing message is created, the tokens will be replaced with the actual data from that specific transaction. The below is a list of all possible tokens that may be used in the subject or body content. To use your own subject line or body content, simply uncheck the box that says Use Default and then you will be able to edit the text. If you do edit any of the content for either message, MAKE SURE you scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Save All button, or your changes will not be saved.

Token Key
[MerchantName] Name of the Merchant
[MerchantPhone] Phone Number of the Merchant
[PayerName] The name of the Checking Account Owner
[Date] Date/Time check was submitted
[Payee] Check Payee - Your Company or another if you have the Multiple Payees Option.
[Amount] Check Amount
[ConfirmationNumber] Confirmation Number
[memo] The first memo field
[memo2] The second memo field
[memo3] The third memo field
[memo4] The fourth memo field

The Memo field that appears on the check form with a text box for user entry is the "memo" field. The next 3 memo fields are only populated if values for those fields are sent via a pre-form when the actual check form is called.

NEW: Slightly different messages are sent for payments created on a Recurring schedule (for accounts that have the Recurring Payments option). While very similar to the default messages for new payments, both the receipt and notification messages indicate that the payment was a recurring payment. If you have the Pro account or the upgrade options for both recurring payments and custom email contents, you can now edit the subject line and body content for recurring checks created by the system.  Just scroll down on the Custom Email Contents setup page and you will see blocks to do so.

Click to enlarge the screen shots below to see both the Merchant and Customer screens.

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Custom Email Content can be very useful if you need to provide customers special instructions after they make a payment or if you are using a custom pre-form that sends additional information to the system and you wish it to appear in the email that goes to your staff.

Recurring Payments

If you have the option for Recurring Payments, you can also set a custom subject line and body content for the receipt and notification messages for automatically created recurring checks.