Simple Link Variables Cliff Notes

Vcheck Support > Special Coding > Simple Link Variables Cliff Notes

Quick Tutorial and Cheat Sheet for Vcheck Link Variables

When you signup for a Vcheck account, we provide you with some pre-configured links to put on your website. This page will provide a quick tutorial on how the links work and also some of the variables that can be added to those links to change the way Vcheck works.

The code below is a very simple link that will launch a sample Vcheck form into a new browser window or tab. The new tab or window will be full size and contain all the menus and location bar just as any webpage. This is what is looks like and how it works on a webpage:  Pay by Vcheck

<a href="" target="_blank">Pay by Vcheck</a>

The code below contains javascript that will launch the same exact Vcheck form into a NEW pop-up window that is predefined in size and function. Specifically the menu bar, location bar and other non-essential components are removed.  It looks the same on a web page: Pay by Vcheck

<A HREF="#PaybyVcheck"onClick="'
resizable=1,scrollbars=yes,status=yes');MyWin.focus();"> Pay By Vcheck</A> 

The id=XXXX above would be id=Your Merchant ID in an actual link for your site.

A link variable is something added to a link to call special functions of the Vcheck system.  This can range from using or not using the Signature Capture feature to asking for a customers drivers license number to pre-populating specific form fields on the Vcheck form.  All variables for a Vcheck link should be added directly after the ?id=merchantid variable.

There are many options for the Vcheck form that call for the use of variables in the link. You can add multiple variables one after the other. A simple explanation of a variable (such as &dl=100) is:

& = all additional variables start with the & symbol signifying "and" or "plus" a new varible.

dl = The name of the variable so the system knows what to do.  &dl means call for drivers license data if check is the Value or greater.

100 = In this example, the Value of the variable triggers the extra form fields.

With the variable &template=signature - you are adding a call for a special version of the Vcheck form - in this the case, the one that uses the Signature Capture feature.

How are Variables Structured?

The Template Variable: &template=xxxxx

There are a couple of template variables that can be added to you link. The first (most common) is if you want to use the Signature Capture feature built in to Vcheck.  To do so, you simple add the variable of &template=signature to you link.  The other template variable is used to withhold the section on the Vcheck form that asks customers if they want to setup a recurring payment (if you have that feature on your account). In that case the variable would be &template=norecurring.  A sample of the template variable add to a link is below.

NOTE: To use BOTH the Signature Capture AND to hide the Make This a Recurring Payment option, the variable would be &template=signaturenorecurring

<a href="" target="_blank">Pay by Vcheck</a>

Designating a Payee (if using Multiple Payees): &payee=

This page contains complete details about the Multiple Payee upgrade option. Scroll to the bottom of that page to see how to use the &payee= variable.

Requesting Driver's License Data: &dl=xxxx

All the details on this feature are covered here.  However, as a quick reference, this feature is call with the simply variable of &dl=xxx with the xxx being the dollar amount that will trigger the extra required form fields on the Vcheck form. The sample code below is using two additional variables - one for the signature capture feature and one to require drivers license info on all checks of $100.00 or more.

<a href="" target="_blank">Pay by Vcheck</a>

Override Set Service Fee: &servicefee=00.00

There may be cases where you wish to override the service fee set via your admin console.  For instance, you may wish to have one service fee if your customers go online and submit a check, but a different one if they call in and you have to enter the check for them.  Or, you may not want a set service fee for normal checks but occasionally you may want to add one for a specific customer for a late payment, etc.

Vcheck supports numerous variables contained in the link you use to send your customers to your Vcheck payment form. In this case, the variable to set a service fee of $15.00 would be:

&servicefee=15.00   All variables should be inserted in the link to your Vcheck form after your merchant id - see the sample below.

Pre-Populating Fields on the Vcheck Form

There are a couple of ways to pre-populate some of the form fields on the actual Vcheck form. One is to use a pre-form. The other is to include the field name and value as a variable in the link you use to send customers to your Vcheck form. The list below are the Vcheck form fields that can be pre-populated using the variable format of:  &fieldname=value - for example &amount=456.56

amount - appears as the numeric and spelled out check amount. Can NOT be changed by the user.
email - appears in an editable text box. Can be changed by the user.
memo1-memo4 - appears in the Memo area. Can NOT be changed by the user.
confirm_email - appears in an editable text box. Can be changed by the user.
payer_name - appears in an editable text box. Can be changed by the user.
payer_address - appears in an editable text box. Can be changed by the user.
payer_city - appears in an editable text box. Can be changed by the user.
payer_state - appears in an editable text box. Can be changed by the user.
payer_zip - appears in an editable text box. Can be changed by the user.
payer_phone_area - appears in an editable text box. Can be changed by the user.
payer_phone_prefix - appears in an editable text box. Can be changed by the user.
payer_phone_suffix - appears in an editable text box. Can be changed by the user.

In addition to the Vcheck form fields, you can send any additional information you would like stored with the Check Details file by adding that data as a variable such as:  &product=24665  or &salesrep=bob smith

You can view how this works by clicking on this link Pay by Vcheck. This will launch a test Vcheck form into a new window/tab and you will see how the amount, and two memo fields are pre-populated.  The code for this test link is below:

<a href=" best Widget&memo2=Sales Rep Bob Smith" target="_blank">Pay by Vcheck</a>
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