To Do Notes

The To Do / Reminder Notes

todonotesbutton.jpgIf you do a fair volume of checks or have multiple users that administer your Vcheck account, the To Do Notes feature comes in handy to remind you of Vcheck related To Do items such as calling specific customers to verify something about their check, leaving notes for the other users/admins of your account and the like.

The To Do Notes modal may be set to automatically launch when you login to your Vcheck account (but just once per session so it doesn't become annoying on page refeshes). Or, you can always launch to To Do pop-up box using the button under your Current Contact Data box.

Using the To Do Notes is very simple. Just place your cursor into the Notes area and start typing.  You can edit/delete/add notes just as you would with any text editor.  If your notes extend past the bottom of the display area, scrollbars will appear.

If you don't need to edit the notes, just click the Close button to close the pop-up.

If you do make changes to either the notes and/or check or uncheck the Pop-up By Default options - you MUST click the Update button to save those changes.

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