Tech Support

Vcheck Support > Support > Tech Support

If after reviewing all the information in this user's manual, you have a question or technical support issue, you may contact us in one of 4 ways.

1. Email Us - This is the fastest way to contact us - we monitor this 7 days a week. Support(at)VcheckSupport.Com

2. By Phone - During normal business hours of Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm Mountain Time, you can call us at 303-979-6019. Please note you will probably get our voicemail. PLEASE leave a message and we will get right back to you. If you don't leave a message, we'll never know you called.

videobutton.jpgVIDEO TUTORIALS: We also have numerous short video tutorials on various features of the system. This link and the Video Tutorials button in the right sidebar will let you browse and watch all available videos.

In conjunction with phone or chat support, if you want us to temporarily remotely access your computer to diagnose the problem, you may download the free program below.  Cloudberry Remote Desktop: Optimized for instant support, this small customer module does not require installation or administrator rights — simply download, double click, and give the provided ID and password to your support agent.

Download Remote Desktop Quick Support

All Video Tutorials