Batch Uploads

Batch Check Uploads

Batch Uploads is an optional feature only available on Pro Level accounts and only by request. Once we grant access to Batch Uploads it is restricted to a specific IP address for uploads.

This is a very special feature for merchants that have their own systems in place for collecting all the data needed for the Vcheck system and can export the required fields into an Excel or .csv format. Basically, this option allows a merchant to upload a file that may contain an unlimited number of "checks" that Vcheck will import - instead of having to enter in all the data - one check at a time - into the Vcheck form.

If we have not granted permission for your account to access Batch Uploads, you will not see the option under your Merchants menu.Below are the instructions for Batch Uploads that will appear on that function page if it is enabled for your account:

Merchants - Upload Check File

This function allows you to upload a specifically formatted CSV (comma or tab delimited text file) containing the data used to create multiple checks. Please see the file specifications below the Upload button for complete details.

Once uploaded, the data in your file will be validated and any errors pointed out so you may decide to proceed with the current data - or correct the errors and re-upload the file. If you use our optional check verification service, all the checks will be screened in the background.

batch upload.jpg

Virtually all desktop or database programs such as Excel allow you to save spreadsheet or database data as a .csv file. The name of the actual file to be uploaded does not matter as long as it is a .csv file. Your fields may be either Comma or Tab delimited and the content of each field can either be enclosed in double quote marks - " - or no quote marks.

Your file may contain ALL the fields that appear on the standard Vcheck form - including up to 4 memo fields - in which case the check will be fully populated with the data provided. However, ONLY the following fields are REQUIRED in order for a check to be created:

Name (the checking account holder's full name)
Bank Routing (the 9 digit ABA routing number)
Bank Account (the customer's checking account number)
Check Amount (digits and period only - such as 1234.56)
Memo 1 (this is part of the check record and printed on the check so it should be the unique identifier for the payment - the customer's ID, Invoice Number and the like)

Note: If a check number is not included in the data, a random number between 5000 - 50,000 will be assigned.

In addition to the above required fields, the following may also be sent and will be used on the check: Check Number, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Memo2, Memo3, Memo4.

If a valid email address is present under the field Email AND you want email receipts sent to your customers, you must use your own SMTP mail server to prevent our server from being blacklisted due to customers reporting unexpected receipts as SPAM.

Samples or Starter files containing all the fields with the EXACT field names required may be download below.

Any additional fields present will be ignored. In other words, if you already use some type of accounting, accounts payable, or sales database that may contain at least the 5 required fields - as long as those 5 fields have the required field names - you can submit your files (as .csv) without having to copy/paste just the required data into another file.

0.11 KB CSV
Sample of the file structure required for batch uploads of checks in a .CSV format
13.50 KB MS Excel
Sample of the file structure required for batch uploads of checks in a .xls format
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This is a Restricted feature available only to Pro Level accounts and by special permission only. For security, we restrict uploads from a verified and specific IP address.