When we completely updated this user's manual website, we added individual pages to cover the most frequently asked questions we have received over the last 15 years. If you haven't already, please expand the top menus to view all the sub-pages under the main topics. You may find the details you are looking for.  This site also has a keyword search in the upper right sidebar.

With that being said, below you will find the current FAQs. Just click on a question to reveal the answer.

Can I still take checks by phone even after the recent NACHA / ACH changes?

Yes. the recent changes pertain to ACH transactions. Vcheck is based on Remotely Created Checks technology which ACH guidelines.So you can still use our check printing software system to accept checks by phone, by FAX and from your website.

Can I use Vcheck for Money Orders, Cashier's Checks, Debit Cards or Savings Accounts?

No. Vcheck can only be used for Checking Accounts that use a 9-digit ABA routing and check account number.  Money orders and cashier checks must be in their original form to be negotiable. Debit cards use a 16 digit credit card format number and most savings accounts don't allow "checking" to be done.

Can I accept Canadian or Foriegn Checks?

No. Vcheck can only be used on checks from US based checking accounts.  The laws concerning Remotely Created Checks are not the same in other countries.  However, you can accept checks from a US Bank if the account holder has a Canadian or other address.  You have to do this by using the Customers -  Phone Order form.  The standard online Vcheck form can not be used for this due to data validation.

How Do I Do A Check By Phone Or Fax?

If you are using our system you may wonder how you do checks if a customer calls or faxes in their check data. You simply go to a special Customers - Phone Order Vcheck form and fill in the data there. That data will be processed as if the customer had submitted it themselves. See this page for details.

Can I add upgrades such as Recurring/Repeat payments, Multiple Payees, and Check Batching at any time?

Yes. You may upgrade your account to a higher level of service or add optional upgrades at any time during your subscription period.  See this page for details.

The Routing/Account Number Line Isn't Printing Correctly?

If the MICR line (routing number, account number) looks like the correct font face but isn't printing on the checks where it needs to be - see this page on PDF Adjustments and also the Printing Checks page.

If the MICR line is printing is funny characters instead of MICR symbols - this is a problem with Adobe Reader. It is not recognizing the embedded MICR font.  Please see the right sidebar for options to Adobe.

Can You Help Me With Programming a Custom Pre-Form or Special Vcheck Function?

Yes. We are a full-service software company. For a very reasonable fee, we can do custom pre-forms or add special functions to Vcheck.  We also do custom back-end programming and responsive website design.  See this page for details.  Contact us at Support(at)VcheckSupport.Com if you need programming help related to Vcheck.

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Alternatives to Adobe Reader

In order to print your Vchecks, you will need a PDF Viewer/Reader. Adobe is the best known - but not necessarily the best. Below you will find links to other FREE PDF Viewers that are smaller, faster, trouble-free and work very well with Vcheck.

PDF X-change Viewer (our favorite) - Free for non-advanced version. Download either the .zip or .exe installer here.

FoxIt Reader - Download the Reader from this page.

Sumatra - A very light-weight open source reader.  Download here.

SlimPDF - 10% the size of Adobe Reader - download is only 1.43 MB.